Sunday, September 6, 2009

Uncharted Territory

Its astounding what is unmarked on maps. This place is like a miniature national park hidden in the outskirts of Scottdale Pa.

Fortunately climbing enthusiasts have it well documented on the world wide web, otherwise it might have laid unseen by the non-locals for quite some time.

Spencer Hall and Zack Sterret gear up for their first accents of the late afternoon.

Zack was first on deck.

Spencer eagerly went next, easily scaling the three or four story high mineral.

During the descents, there was always a sigh of relief.

After the first two climbs we scaled "the easy way up," and took a moment to relax, reflecting on the natural scenery around us.

Night was falling quickly,

but they were determined to get a few more climbs in on an even more difficult rock. Zack encountered some issues towards the top, but managed to pull through.

They only had one pair of climbing shoes between the two of them, which thwarted the transfer of climber to climber.

Soon after the final climb, it was pitch black in the woods. Several issues arose. Spencer managed to leave a piece of equipment locked in near the top of the rock, which required them repel it with no lighting equipment other than a dim head lamp. As we gathered our equipment, Zack managed to drop our brightest flash light in a cave, which led to another ten minute wait. Then we managed to lose our trail and stumble through the forest with no real knowledge of where we were heading. This was dangerous considering we had to get down several smaller cliffs to get to get back to the car. We continuously careened through thick spider webs weaved between trees, and managed to stumble upon a colony of millipedes which I attempted to photograph. Unfortunately my memory card was full. I could have switched cards but i was standing on un-even ground, in the pitch black forest, while Spencer and Zack moved forward anxiously attempting to get out. Eventually, we made it to the car, then Zack discussed what an "Equitable Fire Unit" is, and how he wanted me to be put in one.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Post of the Return

I've been keeping busy,

figuring out the mechanics.

Some things have changed,

some would say it has already gotten a little harsh.

But some things have stayed the same,

while some things grew a bit more nasty.

I visited the bog for the first time in a while.

It was quite a flashback.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Storm is a Brewing.

The view from my neighbor's porch.

At this point, I could clearly see that a wall of rain was heading in my direction.

It was about five seconds after this photo that the rain started coming down in buckets.

Under Scott's awing.

I eventually made back to my window to capture a decent doom bolt. If you look closely enough, you can see a helicopter just to the left of the lightning.

The post of departure.

Was the South Side experience a hardship? Or was it a seven month vacation?

Was it worth it? Or was this all a massive waste of time and energy?

Will I miss it? Am I happier here than I am at home?

Only time will tell.