Sunday, August 2, 2009

Imagry from Wasted Land

An In depth look of a typical night of drinking in the Southside of Pittsburgh.

Both Jake Kemerer...

And John Villeagas agree...
Its time for beers.
And texture.
Adam believes its time for sammiches.

But Brandon Lessard disagrees, he thinks its about time he devoured fried chicken during an extreme close up.

Its time for one of these scantily dressed women to re-think their current job situation if they really don't their photos posted on "teh interweb" due to the fact that she wants to become a teacher.

Johnathan believes its about time to be enthusiastic about nothing.

Its time for lurkage.

Its time for Mark to quit looking so silly all the time. Especially in the Smiling Moose.

Its time for lemon drops. Or was it chocolate cake?

Its time to go to bars that make you feel like your on acid, such as Jekyll and Hyde. (Also see Lava Lounge.)

Ed felt it was time to buy me a beer. Ed's reputation with Elliot was increased by 500.

Mark still needs to quit looking so silly all the time, especially with his wife around.

Time to scatter, to the Polish Veteran's Club.

Dave, from Dave's Music Mine, was there. It was Miller time, hence the bitter beer face.

Ray felt it was time to smoke while undergoing warp speed.

"Ernst" felt it was time to make a grand appearance. Judging by the size of his pupils, he either just got back from an optometrist or... He was in a very dim area.

These random ladies felt it was absolutely necessary to make out while I shot of a photo of them.

Its time to chill at Cross Roads, dog.

It was about time for a random hero such as Adam to save me from the treacherous stumble up 18th street.

1 comment:

  1. I really dig the equitable gas clock photo. The images of Brandon and Ernesto are going to give me nightmares. So I guess they were effective photos also. Terrifying.
